Professional interests and specialities
- Sonic communication (the communicative and expressive powers of sound and music):
- Epistemology of listening
- Sound design for user interfaces
- Intersubjectivity of sonic interactions
- Developing design methodologies
- Embodied cognition (as an epistemological paradigm):
- Action-oriented epistemology of a living, moving, intentional body
- Multimodality and cross-modal integration in perception
- The role of movement and kinaesthesia in perception
- Enactive knowledge
- Ecological psychology and embodied cognition as a framework for designing interactive products
- Applying intersubjectivity to design of interactive devices and applications
- Issues of acoustic ecology; experiencing and interacting with sonic environments
- Issues of sound education (Fundamentally it’s about acknowledging and becoming aware of ecological meanings of sounds, which do not usually get accounted for in the traditional framework of music education.)
- Issues of digital culture (the cultural dimension of technology)
- Issues of creativity (in individual and group processes)
- Project-based learning
- Computer games and game-like applications
- Development of educational applications
- Editing sound and video
- Authoring interactive digital content